Training the Trainer Workshop

Date: TBD

Location: TBD

Training is not a punishment, it’s a reward for the people who joined your team and dedicated themselves to the realization of your goals.

-Harlene Doane

Training for Growth

Change your dealership training culture from “I never get any training” to “my dealership cares about my skills development”. This one-day workshop, taught by Harlene Doane, will teach you how to design, create, and execute an ongoing training program in your dealership. Covering Why, When, Who, How, and What to train in your dealership to elevate the performance of your team.

Training the Trainer is designed for anyone who is responsible for training or who wants to develop more leadership skills. Attendees will understand why training is so vital for today’s dealerships and will work through how to create lessons, using a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of all types of employees. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to make regular training engaging and how to make employees accountable during the training process. Attendees leave with more than 30 days worth of training material ideas that can be adapted for any store.

I would recommend this class to anyone who trains as a part of their primary job. It spells out the steps to success so you don’t have to try and invent them.”

– Steve Brown, Operations Manager


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